Scale Your Painting Company To 100k Months & Beyond

Without spending a ton of money on shared leads, waiting for SEO, or wasting time on 'lead-bro's who promise leads but can't deliver

Join some of the fastest growing painting companies in the US

The 7 Figure Painter Program

The #1 turnkey digital marketing solution for house painting entrepreneurs looking to scale their Interior, Exterior, or Cabinet Refinishing Business.

The Ransom Marketing & Scheduling Team Will:

✅Generate your leads

✅Call your leads

✅Qualify your leads

✅Schedule your leads

✅Help you scale your business to 7 Figures+ without headache

Trusted By The Best

We scale transformation companies

✅Exterior Painting

✅Interior Painting

✅Cabinet Painting

✅Cabinet Refacing


✅Kitchen/Bath Reno

Prequalified appointments that close

Most agencies leave you frustrated with unqualified 'leads' and expect you to spend all day calling leads that won't answer. When are you supposed to get any work done?

We both know that to scale your business, generating 'leads' isn't enough. You need appointments in your service area, who are ready to get a quote.

SO we built a proprietary system to prequalify every appointment we schedule for your business - 100% done for you.

Appointment Information

Done For You. 🙌

✅ Service Area

✅ Project Details

✅ Address Verification

✅ Pre-framing

✅ All Decision Makers Present

✅ Minimum Job Size

How It Works

To scale your business, generating 'leads' isn't enough. You need qualified appointments that actually want your help. The Automated Job System provides a proven growth system that's effortless.


High Quality Ads

We create proven video ads for you across Facebook and Instagram that have generated millions in sales for house painting companies.


We Call And Schedule Your Leads

Our in-house, American call center calls all of your leads, qualifies them, and schedules them right onto your calendar, leaving you more time to run your business.


You Paint More Houses On Auto-pilot

Our team instantly informs your sales person when new qualified appointments are scheduled. All you have to do is meet the homeowner, and close the job.


Scale Your Business With Our Proven Processes

Whether your goal is to grow a paint empire with multiple locations, or cultivate a small, well run business that gives you ultimate financial and time freedom. Learn from a cohort of other painting business owners who are already there.

Here's What You Get


Lead Capture System

We generate high-quality leads actively looking for your service.


Expert Lead Handling

Our expert appointment setters qualify, and schedule the leads onto your calendar, all the while building brand and focusing on the first impression.


Performance Branding

We don't just stop at leads. We build you you're own top of funnel marketing machine, building brand, and increasing awareness.


7 Figure Masterminds

Join our weekly masterminds where painting business owners of all sizes meet to discuss topics such as marketing, sales and growth.

Case Studies

Real Client: Matthew and his 250k+ Month

Matthew mainly does exterior painting, with a little interior and cabinet on the side.

Real Client: JP and his 70k Week!

JP provides high-end Kitchen/Bath Remodeling as well as stand-alone exterior and interior painting.

Real Client: Jefferson and his first 100k

Jefferson delivers high quality interior, exterior and cabinet painting to higher end clients.

We're not just another marketing agency.

Experience success in effective marketing, sales training, and strategic business coaching with our comprehensive solution. We generate qualified patients through your doors and equip you with a sales system designed for a remarkable closing rate, ensuring an outstanding return on your investment (ROI).